Citadel Amman All You Need to visit Jordan

Citadel Amman
Geographical location
The Amman Citadel is located on top of Jebel Al Qala’a, a hill in the city of Amman. The hill is situated 850 meters above sea level and overlooks the old city. It is located in the downtown area of Amman.
Temple of Hercules

Citadel Amman All You Need to visit Jordan
A huge, stone hand rests solemnly in front of the temple, showcasing the level of craftsmanship that decorated the temple during its glory days.

Umayyad Palace
The citadel’s most striking series of historic buildings is the domed, 8th-century Umayyad Palace. Located behind the archaeology museum, this formerly elaborate complex of royal and residential buildings now houses a column-lined courtyard, an audience hall, and an enormous ancient cistern that once supplied water to the palace complex and surrounding areas.

Umayyad Palace
The Jordan Archaeological Museum
Within the citadel, the complex is the quaint Jordan Archeological Museum. The museum is arranged chronologically and houses 6,000-year-old Neolithic statues, a Dead Sea bronze scroll written in Aramaic characters, and ancient items of daily life, like pottery, glass, flint, and metal tools. The museum is small but still worth a visit.

Citadel Amman All You Need to visit Jordan
When to visit the citadel
It’s impossible to visit the citadel at a bad time, as the ruins and breathtaking views of the surrounding city are stunning at any time of day.

Citadel Amman All You Need to visit Jordan
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