أسئلة الوحدة الخامسة الثالث متوسط

أسئلة الوحدة الخامسة الثالث متوسط

Third Intermediate

Monthly-Exam Class:  Unit:5

الامتحان الشهري: الوحدة: 5

Unseen passage: 10.M (A)
Q1/Read the following passage carefully:
Some animals lived together in one place. One of these was a lion. He was the strongest among them. The other animals were afraid of his anger. So they bring him food every day. One day the rabbit went out to hunt for the lion, but he couldn’t hunt.
The lion felt hungry and became angry. The rabbit said, “ I met another lion on my way and he took the food from me ”. The lion became angry and shouted. The rabbit led the lion to a deep well with clean water. The lion looked down and saw himself in the water. He jumped on his enemy and that was the end of the lion. After that the animals all lived happily together.

أسئلة الوحدة الخامسة الثالث متوسط

عاشت بعض الحيوانات معًا في مكان واحد. واحد من هؤلاء كان أسد. كان الأقوى بينهم. كانت الحيوانات الأخرى تخاف من غضبه. لذلك يجلبون له الطعام كل يوم. ذات يوم خرج الأرنب للبحث عن الأسد ، لكنه لم يستطع الصيد.
شعر الأسد بالجوع وغضب. قال الأرنب: “قابلت أسدًا آخر في طريقي وأخذ مني الطعام”. فغضب الأسد وصرخ. قاد الأرنب الأسد إلى بئر عميقة بمياه نظيفة. نظر الأسد إلى أسفل ورأى نفسه في الماء. قفز على عدوه وكانت تلك نهاية الأسد. بعد ذلك عاشت جميع الحيوانات معًا في سعادة.

الوحدة الخامسة

Now answer the following questions ; (Choose Five)
1-Which is the strongest animal? ———————————————————-
2-The lion went out to hunt for the rabbit. (T, F)
3- What did the lion see when he looked down? ———————————————————————
4-What did the rabbit say to the lion? ——————————————————————————–
5- Did the lion jump on the well and that was the end of it ——————————-
6-How did the other animals live after that? —————————————————————————–

أسئلة الوحدة الخامسة الثالث متوسط

Text book passage : 15.M
Q2/. Do as required: choose Five
1. Where did the Iraqi minister of education arrive? ———————————————————————-
2- The new city cost 1 billion IQD and took ………………years to build. ( two, one , three)
3- Where is Ibrahim writing his book?
4- Ibrahim moved to Baghdad when he was 17. ( T, F)
5- What did the sport’s minister open in Basra? —————————————————————-
6- Who welcomed the Iraqi minister at the airport ?———————————————————————–

-Grammar and Functions: 15M

Q3/Do as required: Choose Five
1- The hall was empty. ( Negative) ————————————————————
2- Jassim broke his leg and ———— couldn’t walk. ( he / him ) .
3- Did you ———- out last night? ( goes, go , went )
4- start / will/ the/ English/ When/ activity? ( Re- arrange )
5- Ali………………… (have) dinner. ( Past continuous)
6- The Iraqi team will win in the match . ( Negative)
————————————————————— ————————

أسئلة الوحدة الخامسة الثالث متوسط

Story time & spelling 15.M
Q4:A/ Answer or complete the following questions: Choose Five 10.M
1-Who was the lucky boy?
2-What did Salam take with him on Tuesday?
3- Why was the boy’s father dropping food on his shirt and trousers?
4-Did the customers watch the old man with love and respect?
5- The boy bought his father some food. ( T, F )
6- What was the special offer of Al-Sabah newspaper?

أسئلة الوحدة الخامسة الثالث متوسط

Q4B/ Write the missing words. Choose Five 5.M
1-good, bad; noisy ——————
2-long, longer; useful ———————–
3-book, books; story ———————–
4- I, me; they ———————–
5- play, played send ——————-
6- dangerous, safe; hardworking ——————–

Writing 15.M

Q5/ Write about a TV program. Use these words about the TV program:
very interesting / about … / very funny / the report was amazing / give details about … / useful
information about…

Good luck

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